Jens Rönnberg was appointed to the Supervisory Board of grenke AG in November 2019 on the basis of his expertise as an auditor and tax consultant. He has broad experience in auditing and consulting national and international financial institutions as well as in setting up and managing new business areas. At the same time, he has extensive transaction experience. He was elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board in May 2023.
Moritz Grenke was elected to the Supervisory Board of grenke AG in May 2023 as a representative of the Grenke family as the largest shareholder. Due to his education and having worked at grenke Group for several years himself, he has an in-depth understanding of grenke's statistical business model. He was elected Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board in April 2024.
Norbert Freisleben has extensive knowledge of German and international accounting as well as in the preparation, auditing, and analysis of corporate financial statements of various industries. He combines wide-ranging business know-how with entrepreneurial experience in establishing medium-sized companies in his work as a supervisory board member.
Nils Kröber was appointed as a Member to the Supervisory Board of grenke AG due to his many years of expertise in national and international tax law. He provides advice focusing on tax law to international and national companies, entrepreneurs and private entities. At the same time, he has many years of experience in advising large family-owned companies.
Dr. Ljiljana Mitic has extensive expertise in information technology and financial services. She also provides many years of experience in international management positions as well as comprehensive digitalisation know-how from her work with technology start-ups to her Supervisory Board activities at grenke AG. At a very early stage, she addressed the connection between corporate management and ecology in her doctoral thesis, which has remained an important concern for her against the backdrop of current ESG issues.
Manfred Piontke was elected to the Supervisory Board of grenke AG in April 2024. Due to his many years as an equity analyst and fund manager at renowned banks and asset management companies, he has in-depth knowledge of accounting and analysing company financial statements from various industries. Since 1997, he has also been self-employed with an asset management company that he founded. He therefore brings a broad range of business expertise with his own entrepreneurial experience to his work as a Supervisory Board member.
Jens Rönnberg (Chairman)
Moritz Grenke (Deputy Chairman)
Norbert Freisleben
Nils Kröber
Dr. Ljiljana Mitic (ESG Responsible)
Manfred Piontke
Baden-Baden, April 2024
grenke AG