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You can find all press releases and ad hoc notices from 2000 to 2015 here.
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05.01.2015: New business growth in 2014 of 13.9%
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10.02.2015: Consolidated Group net profit grows 38% to EUR 65.0 million
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02.04.2015: Successful start – grenke’s new business growth continues the successful trend of the past year
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29.04.2015: Consolidated Group net profit rises 27% to EUR 18.4 million
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12.05.2015: Annual General Meeting 2015: Shareholders resolve to increase dividend to EUR 1.10 per share
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02.07.2015: New business growth in the first half year
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10.07.2015: GRENKELEASING AG converts to registered shares
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28.07.2015: Consolidated Group net profit rises 23% to EUR 38.5 million
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02.10.2015: Successful development during the third quarter of 2015
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27.10.2015: Consolidated Group net profit rises 24% to EUR 59.7 million
03.02.2014: GRENKELEASING AG intends scrip dividend
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03.01.2014: New business growth of 15.6% in 2013 – at the upper end of the 13-16% forecast range
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07.02.2014: Consolidated Group net profit rises 11 % and reaches EUR 47.0 million – the upper end of our forecast range of EUR 44 to 48 million
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28.02.2014: For the first time, grenke plans to offer its shareholders a choice in the type of dividend
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02.04.2014: Successful start – New business growth of 12.8% in the first quarter of 2014
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10.04.2014: The grenke Board of Directors reports on a successful execution of the corporate strategy – Shareholders resolve a dividend EUR 1.00 per share
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23.04.2014: grenke publishes preliminary financial results for the 1st quarter of 2014 – The groundwork has been laid for a successful financial year
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29.04.2014: The groundwork has been laid for a successful fiscal year – Consolidated Group's net profit rises 26%
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06.05.2014: grenke's Scrip Dividend achieves a good rate of acceptance
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02.07.2014: New business growth of 14.2% in the first half of 2014
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25.07.2014: Consolidated Group net profit rises 40% in the first half of 2014
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25.09.2014: Stable shareholder structure secured for the long term
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02.10.2014: Excellent new business development in the first nine months of 2014
28.10.2014: Consolidated Group net profit rises 37.7% to EUR 48.3 million and exceeds our previous expectations
21.02.2013: GRENKELEASING AG resolves on cash capital increase
21.02.2013: GRENKELEASING AG successfully places capital increase
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03.01.2013: More than EUR 1 billion in new business volume
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06.02.2013: Consolidated net profit up 8% at EUR 42.5 million
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03.04.2013: New business growth of 14.9% in the first quarter of 2013
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25.04.2013: Quarterly financial report: Profitability improved – net interest income up 22%
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07.05.2013: grenke Annual General Meeting confirms business strategy
02.07.2013: New business growth of 16.7% in first half of 2013
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25.07.2013: Double-digit increase of operating income – consolidated net profit up 14% at EUR 22.4 million
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02.10.2013: grenke's growth in new business of 16.7% in the first nine months of 2013 fully on track
24.10.2013: Earnings strength remains high in the third quarter – consolidated net profit increases 16% to EUR 35.1 million
03.01.2012: New business growth target of more than 20% outperformed significantly
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08.02.2012: Net profit exceeds forecast with 41 % rise
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03.04.2012: Successful start: New business growth of 24.5% achieved in first quarter of 2012
26.04.2012: Systematic focus on growth reflected in rising earnings
10.05.2012: grenke Annual General Meeting resolves dividend of EUR 0.75 per share
03.07.2012: Successful first half of 2012 – New business growth of 19.8%
26.07.2012: Earnings power of the grenke Group enhanced again
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02.10.2012: Sustained pace of growth in new business
25.10.2012: All earnings components contribute to rise in income
01.08.2011: grenke raises earnings forecast for 2011
04.01.2011: New business development in 2010
10.02.2011: GRENKELEASING increases profits by 13 %
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04.04.2011: New business growth exceeds 20 % in first Quarter 2011
04.05.2011: Growth in new business leads to rising income
10.05.2011: grenke shareholders adopt resolution on dividend
04.07.2011: grenke’s growth in new business remains on track in first half of 2011
05.10.2011: Growth of 25 % in first nine months of 2011
03.11.2011: Strong growth in consolidated net profit, up 47.2 % year-on-year
09.02.2010: Final Results 2009
02.07.2010: New business development in the first half of 2010
04.10.2010: Development of New Business in First Nine Months of 2010
05.01.2010: New Business 2009
06.04.2010: Good Start to the First Quarter of 2010
04.05.2010: grenke Group set to expand again
11.05.2010: Shareholders approve dividend equal to previous year’s level
29.07.2010: grenke Group set for growth over rest of year
28.10.2010: Quarterly Financial Report as per 30 September 2010
12.02.2009: GRENKELEASING AG takes over Hesse Newman & Co. AG (private bank since 1777)
30.04.2009: Quarterly financial report as per March 31, 2009
02.07.2009: New Business in the first half 2009
28.07.2009: Quarterly financial report as per June 30, 2009
05.01.2009: New Business 2008
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05.02.2009: Final Results 2008
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02.04.2009: New Business in first quarter 2009
12.05.2009: Annual General Meeting of GRENKELEASING AG on the financial year 2008
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05.08.2009: Extension of refinancing basis
02.10.2009: New Business in First Nine Months of 2009
28.10.2009: Quarterly Financial Report as per September 30, 2009
01.02.2008: GRENKELEASING AG: final results 2007
28.04.2008: Quarterly Financial Report as per March 31, 2008
03.01.2008: GRENKELEASING: New business in 2007
02.04.2008: New Business in first quarter 2008
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06.05.2008: Annual General Meeting for financial year 2007
02.07.2008: New Business in first half 2008
28.07.2008: Quarterly Financial Report as per June 30, 2008
02.10.2008: New Business in 9-Months 2008
27.10.2008: Quarterly Financial Report as per September 30,2008
03.01.2007: GRENKELEASING: The volume of new business rose by 9.8 % in 2006, in line with expectations
26.01.2007: GRENKELEASING AG: after-tax profit rises by 5% in line with expectations. Executive Board and Supervisory Board propose a dividend increase of 10%.
03.04.2007: New business in first quarter of 2007
26.04.2007: Earnings after taxes increased by 2 % to EUR 7.7 million
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03.07.2007: New business in first half of 2007
26.07.2007: GRENKELEASING: Six-Month´s Report 2007
02.10.2007: GRENKELEASING AG: New Business in 9-Months 2007
25.10.2007: Quarterly Financial Report as per September 30, 2007
08.05.2007: GRENKELEASING: The volume of new business rose by 9.8 % in 2006, in line with expectations
03.01.2006: GRENKELEASING: Strong growth in Europe
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27.01.2006: GRENKELEASING AG: EPS rises by 22 %, Strong Expansion in Europe
04.04.2006: GRENKELEASING: Strong Growth in all Markets
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27.04.2006: GRENKELEASING AG: After-tax profit (net profit for the period) up 9 % to EUR 7.5 million
04.07.2006: GRENKELEASING AG: Growth of New Business on Track in the first half of 2006
27.07.2006: GRENKELEASING AG: Earnings Growth as Planned in First Half of 2006
04.10.2006: GRENKELEASING: The volume of new business rose by 9.6% in the first nine months of 2006, in line with expectations
26.10.2006: GRENKELEASING AG: Earnings after taxes came to EUR 23.3 million in the first nine months of 2006 (+ 7.4 % year-on-year)
09.05.2006: GRENKELEASING AG: General Meeting of Shareholders Votes to Increase Dividend
04.08.2006: GL: Milestones for further growth: extension of refinancing basis – expansion of franchise activities
04.01.2005: GRENKELEASING puts on spurt of growth in Q4
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28.01.2005: EBIT rises by 25%-profits by 20%
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04.04.2005: GRENKELEASING AG: profitability increases
28.04.2005: GRENKELEASING AG: Profit grows by 45 %
04.07.2005: GRENKELEASING AG: New business shows strong growth
28.07.2005: GRENKELEASING AG: New Business, Margin, and Earnings enjoy Double-Digit Growth
05.10.2005: GRENKELEASING AG: New business grows by 18.2 %
27.10.2005: Significant On-Target Growth in New Business and Earnings
15.03.2005: GRENKELEASING places additional Euro Bond
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12.05.2005: GRENKELEASING begins operating in Norway
19.10.2005: IBM and GRENKELEASING AG launch leasing program to support small- and mid-sized businesses
05.01.2004: GRENKELEASING: Growth accelerates
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02.03.2004: GRENKELEASING 29 per cent increase in earnings
02.04.2004: 16 per cent Growth in New Business – Cooperation with T-Com
13.05.2004: GRENKELEASING AG: 23 per cent profit increase
02.07.2004: GRENKELEASING: growth picks up
12.08.2004: GRENKELEASING: achieves 40 per cent profit growth
04.10.2004: GRENKELEASING: double-digit growth continues
11.11.2004: GRENKELEASING reports strong profit growth again
02.02.2004: Europe-wide partnership between GRENKELEASING AG and transtec AG
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12.02.2004: Cooperative sales venture between GRENKELEASING and UBS Leasing AG in Switzerland
04.05.2004: Annual General Meeting approves payment of a dividend of EUR 0.33 per share for the 2003 financial year
26.08.2004: Share Placement Employee Stock Option Programme
21.12.2004: grenke Foundation established
03.01.2003: Quarter-on-quarter growth of 15 percent in new business
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06.02.2003: GRENKELEASING reports disposal of Mauden
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06.03.2003: GRENKELEASING AG announces Dividend
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02.04.2003: GRENKELEASING AG - New business grows by 15 percent in Q1 2003
15.05.2003: GRENKELEASING AG reports: 20 percent profit increase
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27.06.2003: Start-up of Cooperation between GRENKELEASING and Swisscom Systems AG
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02.07.2003: GRENKELEASING continues to show positive growth
05.08.2003: GL announces debut euro bond
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13.08.2003: GRENKELEASING reports clear profit growth
02.10.2003: GRENKELEASING reports further profitable growth
12.11.2003: GRENKELEASING reports double-digit earnings growth
13.05.2003: GRENKELEASING AG: annual general meeting resolves to pay out a dividend of EUR 0.25 per share for the financial year 2002
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15.05.2003: Standard and Poors: Germany based grenke LEASING AG Assigned BBB+/A2 Ratings - Outlook Stable
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14.10.2003: GRENKELEASING Markets Debut Euro Bond
02.01.2002: GL continues to show strong growth
26.02.2002: GL - moves from strength to strength
03.04.2002: GRENKELEASING’s growth level continues to remain above 20 percent
06.05.2002: GL reports Conclusion of an Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Programme
14.05.2002: GL reports profit increase of 20.1 percent in Q1 2002.
02.07.2002: GL reports growth in new business of 27 percent in Q2
13.08.2002: GL - continues to grow in Q2
02.10.2002: GL reports growth in new business of 23 per cent in Q3
12.11.2002: GL-positive trend in growth and earnings
17.04.2002: LambdaNet to provide GRENKELEASING with pan-European VPN based on IP/MPLS
17.04.2002: GL: Shareholders approve all motions - annual meeting of shareholders confirms corporate strategy
29.11.2002: Investor Relations Information – Statement on Leasing Tax
03.01.2001: GL: New Business reaches record level in Q4 2000.
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22.02.2001: GL: Posts Record Result for the financial Year 2000
03.04.2001: GL: Growth in new business of 44.6% compared to the same period of the previous year.
15.05.2001: GRENKELASING AG: Earnings per Share rise by 94% in the first quarter 2001
08.06.2001: GRENKELEASING AG takes over EKOMA s.r.o, Prague
03.07.2001: GL: Margin of new business improves...
14.08.2001: GRENKELEASING AG: jump in profits of 49 %
02.10.2001: GRENKELEASING AG: growth pick up
13.11.2001: Earnings per share jump by 34.4%
16.01.2001: Microsoft and GL expand their international partnership
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05.04.2001: GL: pressinformation to the general meeting
22.06.2001: GL: Development of quantitative growth (new business) and qualitative growth (contribution marge 1) over the last few years
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18.12.2001: GL: concludes cooperation agreement with Develop GmbH
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05.04.2000: New Business Climbs to New High in Q1 2000
20.04.2000: Microsoft and GL expand their Cooperation
11.05.2000: Distinct increase in profits by 67.1% in Q1 2000
04.07.2000: New business grows 66.1% in HY1 2000, compared to the previous year
15.08.2000: Profits are doubled in HY1 2000
04.10.2000: New business of GL AG grows by 63.1% in the first 9 months of 2000, compared to the previous year
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10.10.2000: Grenkeleasing and SHARP Electronics conclude cooperation agreement
14.11.2000: Profits continue to show strong growth
21.11.2000: GL prior to acquisition of Mauden SpA, Milan
15.12.2000: Hewlett-Packard and GL expand international cooperation
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02.03.2000: Showing favourable growth rate in the Neuer Markt
10.03.2000: In the Neuer Markt on April
27.03.2000: Grenkeleasing share between 18 and 22 EUR
03.04.2000: Share issued at EUR 19
20.04.2000: Microsoft and Grenkeleasing AG expand their Cooperation
24.05.2000: Grenkeleasing and iCLEAR AG conclude cooperation agreement
21.06.2000: Grenkeleasing pushes expansion of Weblease. Cooperation with Gatway expanded
26.06.2000: Grenkeleasing and VOBIS Microcomputers expand their cooperation
11.07.2000: Dt. Bank: Buy recommendation
31.07.2000: Wolfgang Grenke answes FAQ´s posed by our investors
09.11.2000: Grenkeleasing and eCredit cooperation
30.11.2000: Grenkeleasing supports needy children
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