Please note that this website shows an excerpt from the grenke AG Annual Report 2024. The annual report, which is also available in the “Reports & Presentations” section of the grenke AG website, prevails.

Acquisition-related disclosures

Explanatory report on the disclosures pursuant to Sections 289a and 315a HGB

As of the December 31, 2024 reporting date, grenke AG had fully paid-in subscribed capital of EUR 46,495,573, divided into 46,495,573 no-par value registered shares (“shares”) with a notional interest of EUR 1 each. All shares carry the same rights. Each share grants one vote. The rights and obligations of the shareholders arise from the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), particularly from Sections 12, 53a et seq., 118 et seq. and 186 AktG. grenke AG shares have been admitted for trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the segment of the regulated market with additional post-admission obligations defined by Deutsche Börse AG (Prime Standard segment).

Each share grants one vote at the Annual General Meeting and is decisive for the shareholders’ participation in grenke AG’s net profit. Excluded from this are the treasury shares held by grenke AG (as of December 31, 2024, this amounted to 2,317,695 shares), from which no rights can be exercised pursuant to Section 71b AktG. In cases governed by Section 136 AktG, the voting rights of the affected shares are legally excluded.

Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG, headquartered in Baden-Baden (Germany), has entered into a preventative control termination agreement with grenke AG. Under this agreement, Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG has pledged to exercise the voting rights from shares in grenke AG directly or indirectly attributable to it, now and in the future, or assigned to it under Section 16 (4) AktG, in specific resolution matters only to the extent that the number of votes it casts remains 3.5 percent below the number of shares held by other shareholders participating in the Annual General Meeting and eligible to vote on the respective resolution (including shares for which postal votes have been submitted).

The voting rights restrictions apply to the following resolution matters: (a) the election of Supervisory Board members, including substitute members; however, the restrictions do not apply to the election or judicial appointment of up to two Supervisory Board members by Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG; (b) a vote of no confidence in members of the Board of Directors; (c) matters of corporate management when the Board of Directors requests a related decision  pursuant to Section 119 (2) AktG; and (d) the adoption of the annual financial statements when the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board delegate the adoption to the Annual General Meeting.

Beyond the preventative control termination agreement and the lock-up periods for shares acquired through the share-based remuneration of members of the Board of Directors, as outlined in the remuneration report, the Board of Directors is unaware of any restrictions between shareholders or between grenke AG and shareholders concerning voting rights or the transfer of shares. Additional information on the lock-up periods can be found in the remuneration report.

Furthermore, in connection with Article 19 (11) of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 (Market Abuse Regulation) and based on internal guidelines, certain trading prohibitions exist for members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of grenke AG when buying and selling grenke AG shares in (temporal) connection with the publication of an interim report or an annual financial report.

As of December 31, 2024, Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG, which is domiciled in Baden-Baden (Germany), held 18,989,984 shares in the Company, corresponding to approx. 40.84 percent of the share capital. The general partner of Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG is Grenke Vermögensverwaltung GmbH, which is domiciled in Baden-Baden (Germany), and its limited partners are the following members of the Grenke family: Anneliese Grenke, Moritz Grenke, Oliver Grenke, Roland Grenke and Wolfgang Grenke. Grenke Vermögensverwaltung GmbH has no interest in the assets or income of Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG. Anneliese Grenke and Wolfgang Grenke are each managing directors of Grenke Vermögensverwaltung GmbH with sole power of representation. 

The Company is not aware of any other direct or indirect shareholdings in the capital that exceed 10 percent of the voting rights.

Shares with special rights conferring powers of control have not been issued.

Employees who hold shares in grenke AG exercise their control rights like other shareholders in accordance with the statutory provisions and the Articles of Association.

grenke AG’s Articles of Association do not contain any provisions for the appointment of members of the Board of Directors by the Supervisory Board that deviate from the statutory provisions. Accordingly, members of the Board of Directors are appointed for a maximum of five years. A repeat appointment is permissible.

The members of the Board of Directors are appointed and dismissed by the Supervisory Board in accordance with sections 84 and 85 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), Sections 24 (1) and 25c of the German Banking Act (KWG), and Article 5 (2) of the Articles of Association. Pursuant to Article 5 (1) of the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors of grenke AG consists of at least two persons. The Supervisory Board determines the number of members of the Board of Directors. It decides on their appointment, the revocation of their appointment, and the conclusion, amendment, and termination of the employment contracts to be concluded with them. The Supervisory Board may appoint a Chair of the Board of Directors and a Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors, as well as appoint deputy members of the Board of Directors. If a required member of the Board of Directors is missing without the Supervisory Board making a corresponding appointment, such member shall be appointed by court order in urgent cases in accordance with Section 85 AktG.

Pursuant to Section 179 (1) sentence 1 AktG, amendments to the Articles of Association require a resolution by the Annual General Meeting. The resolutions of the Annual General Meeting shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast unless otherwise required by law or the Articles of Association and, if the law prescribes a capital majority in addition to a voting majority, by a simple majority of the share capital represented (Section 133 AktG, Article 15 [1] of the Articles of Association). Pursuant to Article 11 (2) of the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board is authorised to adopt amendments to the Articles of Association that only affect their wording.

By resolution of the Annual General Meeting of August 6, 2020, the Company was authorised until the end of August 5, 2025 to acquire treasury shares for any permissible purpose in the amount of up to 5 percent of the share capital existing at the time of the resolution of the Annual General Meeting or, if this amount is lower, of the share capital existing at the time of the exercise of the authorisation and to use them for all legally permissible purposes. Among other things, the shares may be used, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, in the context of business combinations and the acquisition of companies or sold to third parties for cash at a price that is not significantly lower than the stock exchange price at the time of the sale, excluding the shareholders’ subscription rights. In this case, the total of the shares sold may not exceed 10 percent of the respective share capital of the Company. The amount of the share capital at the time this authorisation becomes effective, or if the amount is lower, the amount of the share capital at the time this authorisation is exercised shall be decisive for the calculation of the 10 percent limit. If during the term of this authorisation until its utilisation, other authorisations to issue or sell shares of the Company or to issue rights that enable or oblige the subscription of shares of the Company are exercised, and the subscription right is excluded pursuant to or in accordance with Section 186 (3) sentence 4 AktG, this shall be included in the aforementioned 10 percent limit. The acquired shares may also be used to service issued convertible bonds and/or bonds with warrants or to implement a scrip dividend. The treasury shares may also be cancelled.

The authorisation to buy back treasury shares was utilised during the reporting period. In the 2024 financial year, grenke AG repurchased 2,317,695 shares, representing 4.98 percent of the share capital. All repurchased shares are currently held by the Company.

The authorisation under Article 4 (5) of the Articles of Association, valid until May 13, 2024 for the issue of warrants or convertible bonds was not exercised during the reporting period.

Further disclosures in accordance with Section 289, in conjunction with Section 315a sentence 1 no. 8 HGB (Conditions of a Change of Control in the Event of a Takeover Bid) are omitted, as the corresponding disclosures would be likely to cause a significant disadvantage to the Company.

In the event of a takeover bid, no compensation agreements exist with members of the Board of Directors or employees.

Corporate Governance Statement/Report on Corporate Governance

The corporate governance statements to be submitted in accordance with Sections 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code (HGB) are summarised for grenke AG and the grenke Group. The Board of Directors and Supervisory Board of grenke AG also report on the Company’s corporate governance in the Declaration of Conformity in accordance with Principle 23 of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC).

The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of grenke AG are committed to responsible, transparent management and control of the Company with a view to increasing the Company’s value on a sustainable and long-term basis. To this end, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board analyse and evaluate the Company’s role in society and the resulting social responsibility, as well as social and environmental factors, and include these and their potential effects as relevant parameters for the corporate strategy and the operating business and address them accordingly.

Declaration of Conformity of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board with the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC) in accordance with Section 161 AktG

The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of grenke AG declare the following in accordance with Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG):

Declaration of Conformity with the German Corporate Governance Code as amended on April 28, 2022

Since the issuance of the last annual Declaration of Conformity in January 2024, grenke AG has complied with all applicable recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code dated April 28, 2022, published in the Federal Gazette on June 27, 2022, and will continue to do so in the future.

Baden-Baden, January 28, 2025

grenke AG

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Dr Sebastian Hirsch

On behalf of the Supervisory Board
Jens Rönnberg

The declarations of conformity issued in the past five years are available on our website in the Investor Relations section.

As a stock corporation under German law, grenke AG is subject to the German Stock Corporation Act. The Company has three corporate bodies: the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, and the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors manages the Company, while the Supervisory Board monitors and advises the Board of Directors. The respective duties and powers are essentially derived from the law and the Company’s Articles of Association and the respective Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board.

The Board of Directors and Supervisory Board of the Company work closely together for the benefit of the Company. The Board of Directors keeps the Supervisory Board regularly, promptly, and comprehensively informed of all issues relevant to grenke AG and the grenke Group regarding the implementation of corporate strategy, planning, business development, the financial and earnings situation, and particular business risks and opportunities. Significant decisions of the Board of Directors are subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board; the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors contain a corresponding catalogue of such transactions requiring approval.

Pursuant to Article 5 (1) of the Articles of Association, grenke AG’s Board of Directors shall consist of at least two people. The precise number of persons is determined by the Supervisory Board. The Board of Directors is responsible for managing the Company in the Company’s best interests and is committed to increasing the sustainable value of the Company. The Board of Directors is responsible for the operational management and implementation of the Company’s strategic orientation as well as compliance with corporate policy. The Board of Directors also prepares the annual financial statements of grenke AG as well as the quarterly reports and the Consolidated Group’s half-yearly financial report and annual financial statements and informs the Supervisory Board regularly and comprehensively about the Company as a whole through Board of Directors’ reports and meeting documents.

The Board of Directors develops grenke AG’s corporate strategy, which also includes the sustainability strategy. The strategy is implemented by the Board of Directors as part of an ongoing exchange with the Supervisory Board. The following are regular components of Supervisory Board meetings and individual discussions between the Board of Directors and the Chair of the Supervisory Board, who reports directly to the Supervisory Board on these exchanges: issues related to strategy, implementation, planning, business development, the risk situation, compliance, the results of operations and financial position, strategic and operational business risks and their management, data protection, information security and cyber security, as well as sustainability along the dimensions of environmental, social and governance (ESG).

The Supervisory Board issued Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors that include a requirement for approval with regard to the separation of business into individual business areas and the cooperation guidelines within the Board of Directors and between the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors. The individual business areas are assigned to members of the Board of Directors based on the member’s competence profile. These assignments do not affect the principle of overall responsibility of the Board of Directors members.

In the reporting period, the Board of Directors consisted of the following members:

Dr Sebastian Hirsch (CEO), Gilles Christ (CSO), Dr Martin Paal (since July 1, 2024: CFO), and Isabel Rösler (until December 31, 2024: CRO).

From January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024, the Chair of the Board of Directors, Dr Sebastian Hirsch, additionally assumed the role and responsibilities of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) on an interim basis.
On March 5, 2024, Dr Martin Paal was appointed by the Supervisory Board as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective July 1, 2024. In this context, the schedule of responsibilities was optimised and finalised as of August 1, 2024.

At her own request, Isabel Rösler (CRO) stepped down early from the Board of Directors of grenke AG as of December 31, 2024.

Until a successor is appointed, CEO Dr Sebastian Hirsch has temporarily taken over all of Ms Rösler’s responsibilities, except for Internal Audit, which has been assigned to Gilles Christ.

Schedule of responsibilities during the 2024 financial year

From the period January 1 to July 31, 2024

Dr Sebastian Hirsch

Gilles Christ

Isabel Rösler

Chief Financial Officer / Interim-Chief Financial Officer (CEO und Interim-CFO)

Chief Sales Officer (CSO)

Chief Risk Officer (CRO)

Strategy and Communication

Brand Management

Risk Management


Sales grenke solutions


Expansion and M&A

Sales Management

Internal Audit



Corporate Lending


Process Management


Treasury/Corporate Finance






Human Resources



Real Estate and



Facility Management

From the period August 1 to December 31, 2024

Dr Sebastian Hirsch
Chief Executive Officer

Gilles Christ
Chief Sales Officer (CSO)

Dr Martin Paal
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Isabel Rösler
Chief Risk Officer 


Market and Brand Development

Investor Relations

Risk Management*






Sales Management

Investment Controlling and M&A

Regulatory & Compliance Officers*

Human Resources

Product Development

Corporate Finance

Internal Audit**

Location and
Facility Management



Corporate Lending*





* As of January 1, 2025, under the interim responsibility of CEO Dr Sebastian Hirsch.
** As of January 1, 2025, under the interim responsibility of CSO Gilles Christ.

Further information on the curriculum vitae of the individual members of the Board of Directors of grenke AG is available on grenke AG’s website at

Members of the Board of Directors are responsible for managing the business units assigned to them. The measures and transactions of business units that are of particular relevance and scope for the Company require the prior approval of the entire Board of Directors. The same applies to actions and transactions for which the Chair of the Board of Directors or another Board of Directors member requires the prior adoption of a resolution by the full Board of Directors.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) coordinates the work of the Board of Directors in addition to the areas of responsibility assigned to him.

An age limit for Board of Directors members has been set by the Supervisory Board, which stipulates that the members may not be more than 60 years old at the time of their appointment to the Board of Directors.
Members of the Board of Directors are liable for damages in the event of a culpable breach of their duties of care towards the Company.

Information on the remuneration system for Board of Directors’ members, as well as the individual remuneration of Board of Directors members, is provided in the remuneration report, which can be downloaded from

The applicable remuneration system in accordance with Section 87a (1) and (2) sentence 1 of the AktG, the remuneration report for the 2024 financial year and the auditor’s report in accordance with Section 162 of the AktG are also publicly available on grenke AG’s website at

Composition and work practices of the Supervisory Board

In accordance with Section 7 (1) of the Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board of grenke AG consists of six members. All Supervisory Board members were elected by the Annual General Meeting.

During the reporting period, the Supervisory Board comprised the following members: Jens Rönnberg WP/StB (Chair of the Supervisory Board), Moritz Grenke (Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board since April 30, 2024), Norbert Freisleben, Nils Kröber, Dr Ljiljana Mitic, Manfred Piontke (since April 30, 2024), and Dr Konstantin Mettenheimer (until April 30, 2024).

All members of the Supervisory Board, with the exception of Moritz Grenke, are classified as independent by the Supervisory Board. Moritz Grenke is considered not independent due to his role as a limited partner of the major shareholder Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG. From the perspective of the Supervisory Board, an appropriate number of independent shareholder representatives was ensured throughout the reporting period, with five independent shareholder representatives.

The Chair of the Supervisory Board was informed by Nils Kröber about his ongoing advisory role for Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, as well as for individual members of the Grenke family. The Chair was made aware of any potential conflicts of interest arising from this. The Chair of the Supervisory Board was also informed by Moritz Grenke about any potential conflicts of interest resulting from his role as a limited partner of Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG.
Further information on the curriculum vitae, term of office, and other mandates of the respective members of grenke AG’s Supervisory Board can be found on grenke AG’s website.

Information on the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board and their individual remuneration is provided in the remuneration report. The remuneration report for the last financial year, the auditor’s report in accordance with Section 162 AktG and the last remuneration resolution of the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Section 113 (3) AktG are publicly available on grenke AG’s website.

The central task of the Supervisory Board is to advise and monitor the Board of Directors in its management of the Company, in particular with regard to corporate strategy and fundamental corporate decisions. It monitors adherence to legal provisions, official regulations and internal Company guidelines (compliance). The Board of Directors involves the Supervisory Board in all decisions of fundamental importance to the Company. The Supervisory Board shall stipulate approval requirements for such transactions in the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, unless these are already reflected in the Articles of Association. The Supervisory Board also votes on transactions with related parties regulated in Section 111a ff AktG, insofar as these require approval. The Supervisory Board is also responsible for appointing and dismissing the members of the Board of Directors and for reviewing the annual and consolidated financial statements, the combined management report of grenke AG and the grenke Group, and the proposal for the appropriation of unappropriated surplus. It also adopts the annual financial statements of grenke AG and approves the consolidated financial statements. 

In the 2024 reporting year, the Board of Directors regularly provided the Supervisory Board with comprehensive information in ordinary and extraordinary meetings on the Consolidated Group’s economic situation, strategic planning, and relevant current events. In addition, the respective Chair of the Supervisory Board maintained regular close contact with the CEO on day-to-day business and reported directly to the full Supervisory Board on these exchanges. Key elements of the briefings by the Board of Directors in the current financial year continued to be the regular reports on new business, sales and digitalisation, including cybersecurity, cost development, information security, refinancing and the ongoing audit activities by the auditor BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (2024 annual financial statements). Furthermore, the Supervisory Board was informed by the Board of Directors on sustainability issues along the dimensions of environmental, social, and governance (ESG). With regard to the prevailing macroeconomic environment, increasing insolvencies, the development of the interest rate landscape and inflation, these topics and the associated challenges were also repeated points of discussion between the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board. The Board of Directors liaised closely with the Supervisory Board regarding the Consolidated Group’s strategic development and, together with the Supervisory Board, dealt with issues related to risk management, compliance, risk provisioning, the internal control system and internal auditing.

The Supervisory Board of grenke AG convenes at least once quarterly in ordinary meetings. Extraordinary meetings, as well as video and telephone conferences, and resolutions are passed outside of meetings are held as required. Independently of these meetings, the Supervisory Board receives routine reports from the Internal Audit, Compliance, and Risk Control departments.

In the 2024 financial year, Jens Rönnberg WP/StB served as Chair of the Supervisory Board. At no time during the reporting period did he chair the Audit Committee.
The Chair of the Supervisory Board maintains regular and impromptu contact with the individual members of the Board of Directors. In his role as Chair, Jens Rönnberg WP/StB coordinates the activities of the Supervisory Board and represents its interests publicly. As part of these duties, he also engaged in multiple discussions with investors on Supervisory Board-related topics.

A detailed description of the activities of the Supervisory Board, including an overview of its members, as well as a list of their individual attendance at meetings, is provided in the Report of the Supervisory Board.

A competence profile was developed by the Supervisory Board for the entire Supervisory Board. In this profile, targets were set regarding the individual composition of the Supervisory Board.

In addition to a competence profile that matches the profile of the Supervisory Board as a whole, diversity is also an integral part of the concept. Proposals for new members of the Supervisory Board to the Annual General Meeting are always evaluated and selected in accordance with the objectives and competence requirements set out in Chapter 8.3 below.

Supported by the Nomination Committee, the Supervisory Board regularly, and at least once annually, conducts an assessment of the structure, size, and composition of the Supervisory Board and its committees and assesses the knowledge, skills and experience of the individual business managers, the members of the administrative and supervisory body, as well as the respective body as a whole. This self-assessment is based on a comprehensive, company-specific questionnaire further developed and aligned annually to current circumstances in consultation with the Nomination Committee. The questionnaire covers various relevant topics related to the Supervisory Board’s activities, including information sharing, committee work, quality of cooperation, work input and independence. The evaluations of the respective topics are submitted anonymously and in each case quantitatively, qualitatively, and according to time spent. After aggregating the entries, the results are then discussed in detail in the plenum, and suggestions for improvement are developed and recorded. The suggestions for improvement, together with the recommendations of the Nomination Committee, are then incorporated into the work of the Supervisory Board’s committees.

During the reporting period, a competence and efficiency review of the Supervisory Board was carried out in the form of questionnaires to be completed digitally. The results of the survey were evaluated by the Nomination Committee in a meeting on May 17, 2024, and suggestions for improvement were developed. These results and suggestions for improvement were subsequently presented and discussed in detail with the full Supervisory Board in a meeting on July 22, 2024.

To assess the status of the competence profile’s implementation, the Supervisory Board has drawn up a qualification matrix based on a self-assessment carried out by the members.



Jens Rönnberg

Norbert Freisleben

Moritz Grenke

Nils Kröber

Dr Ljiljana Mitic

Manfred Piontke

Term of office

Member since







Personal suitability

Independence as defined by the Code








No “overboarding” as defined by the Code








Year of birth































International experience



EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)


APAC (Asia, Australia)


AMER (North and South America)

Professional aptitude

Leadership experience


Business segment/sector familiarity










Business segment/sector familiarity (banking)


Risk management


corporate governance


Capital market






IT, technology and digitalisation




Human resources

Financial expert

Domestic and international accounting


Auditing of financial statements

The classification results from a self-assessment by the Supervisory Board and reflects the range between 'high' ● knowledge / expertise and 'none'○ knowledge / expertise.

With its composition of proven experts in the fields of finance, accounting, corporate planning, corporate governance, controlling, accounting, risk management, auditing, compliance, environment, sustainability IT, law, and human resources and the capital markets, the Supervisory Board of grenke AG fully complies with the underlying competence profile and has the necessary knowledge, skills, and professional experience to properly perform its duties.

It has been agreed that the auditor will inform the Supervisory Board immediately of all relevant material findings and events that the auditor becomes aware of in the course of the audit. The auditor must also inform the Supervisory Board and record this in the audit report if facts are discovered during the audit that indicate that the Declaration of Conformity on the German Corporate Governance Code issued by the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board is incorrect.

The Supervisory Board has issued an age limit that states that Supervisory Board members may not be more than 70 years old at the time of their election.
Members of the Supervisory Board are liable for damages in the event of a culpable breach of their duties of care towards the Company.

The current Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, which contain important information on the Supervisory Board and the Supervisory Board committees, are available on grenke AG’s website.

Supervisory Board committees

In order to perform its duties efficiently, the Supervisory Board resolved, in accordance with the requirements of Section 25d (7) sentence 2 KWG, to establish a Nomination Committee, a Risk Committee and a Remuneration Control Committee in addition to the Audit Committee. Furthermore, on March 14, 2023, the Supervisory Board resolved to set up the Digitalisation Committee for the period starting April 1, 2023 and ending with the 2026 Annual General Meeting.

The tasks and powers assigned to these committees are listed in the Supervisory Board’s Rules of Procedure. The Committee chairpersons report on the work of the respective committees to the full Supervisory Board.

An overview of the committees, their members and chairpersons, a list of the attendance at each committee meeting, and details of the work of the committees formed in the 2024 financial year can be found in the Report of the Supervisory Board.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee consists of three members. In accordance with Section 7 (4) of the Supervisory Board’s Rules of Procedure, the tasks of the Audit Committee consist primarily of monitoring the accounting and the accounting process, the risk management system (especially the internal control system), the compliance management system, combatting corruption, and internal auditing. The Audit Committee is also tasked with monitoring the performance of the audit of the annual financial statements and specifically the independence of the auditor. The Committee is also responsible for monitoring any additional services provided by the auditor and the quality of the auditor.

It is also the Audit Committee’s responsibility to recommend the focal points of the auditor’s audit to the Supervisory Board. In addition, the Audit Committee is tasked with receiving and evaluating the auditor’s findings on the effectiveness of the internal control system, the risk management system and the efficiency of the Internal Audit department.

Furthermore, the Audit Committee deals with any other findings of the auditor; the preparation of the audits and reports incumbent on the Supervisory Board pursuant to Sections 170, 171 AktG; the monitoring of the processing of the deficiencies identified and the discussion of the interim reports (quarterly and half-yearly reports) and statements.

In the 2024 financial year, the Audit Committee consisted of Norbert Freisleben (Chair), Jens Rönnberg WP/StB, and Dr Konstantin Mettenheimer until April 30, 2024. As of April 30, 2024, the Audit Committee members are Norbert Freisleben (Chair), Jens Rönnberg WP/StB, and Dr Ljiljana Mitic. As a result, the Committee has consistently met all applicable requirements for the Audit Committee under Sections 107 (4) sentence 3 AktG, 100 (5) AktG, and 25d (9) KWG.

Norbert Freisleben, who held the position of Chair in the 2024 financial year, has demonstrable expertise in accounting and auditing due to his many years of experience at a renowned audit firm. Jens Rönnberg WP/StB has extensive expertise in accounting and auditing, gained through his longstanding work as an auditor and tax advisor for leading law firms and prestigious international organisations. Both individuals also possess expertise in sustainability reporting and auditing as a result of their professional experience. Dr Konstantin Mettenheimer, who was a member of the Audit Committee until April 30, 2024, has the necessary experience, knowledge, and skills as a tax advisor, business economist, and attorney, as well as from his experience on other audit committees. Dr Ljiljana Mitic, who has been a member of the Audit Committee since April 30, 2024, has extensive expertise in accounting and sustainability reporting due to her many years of experience as a business economist in leadership and oversight roles at globally operating companies in the banking, insurance, and IT sectors. Dr. Ljiljana Mitic also has experience serving on the audit committees of other companies.

All members of the Audit Committee are independent of the grenke Group and have knowledge and experience in the application of internal control and risk management systems. The Audit Committee as a whole is familiar with the sector in which the grenke Group operates.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee consists of three members.

Pursuant to Section 8 (4) of the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, the main tasks of the Nomination Committee include the strategic aspects of personnel planning, such as reviewing fundamental personnel planning, and the conclusion, amendment and termination of the employment contracts with the members of the Board of Directors. The Nomination Committee also identifies candidates for Board of Directors positions and assists in the preparation of election proposals for the election of members of the Supervisory Board, taking into account the required knowledge, skills, professional experience, and diversity principles.

The development of a target to promote the representation of the underrepresented gender on the Supervisory Board and a strategy to achieve it is also the responsibility of the committee. The Committee also monitors the topic of occupational health and safety (OHS).

At least once a year, the Nomination Committee shall conduct an assessment of the structure, size, composition and performance of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board as well as the committees of the Supervisory Board and regularly, at least once annually, assess the knowledge, skills and experience of both the individual Board of Directors and Supervisory Board members and the respective body or committee as a whole. Reviewing the Board of Directors’ policies for the selection and appointment of senior management is one of the core tasks of the Nomination Committee, as is the preparation of a diversity concept, management and talent management and succession planning. In addition, the Nomination Committee informs the full board about the conclusion, amendment, or termination of employment contracts with general agents.

From January 1 to April 30, 2024, the Nomination Committee consisted of Dr Ljiljana Mitic as Chair, Dr Konstantin Mettenheimer and Jens Rönnberg WP/StB. Following Dr Konstantin Mettenheimer’s departure as of April 30, Nils Kröber was elected to the Committee. Accordingly, since April 30, 2024, the Nomination Committee comprises Dr Ljiljana Mitic as Chair, Nils Kröber and Jens Rönnberg WP/StB. All members of the Committee possess, both individually and collectively, adequate knowledge, skills, and experience regarding the Company’s or the Group’s business activities to assess the composition of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, including the recommendation of candidates.

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee consists of three members. According to Section 9 (3) of the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, the tasks of the Risk Committee include mainly advising the Supervisory Board on the current and future overall risk appetite and overall risk strategy of the Company and supporting the Board of Directors in monitoring the implementation of this strategy by upper management level.

Likewise, monitoring to ensure the conditions in the customer business are in line with the business model and risk structure of the Company is also part of the Risk Committee’s tasks. If it is found that this is not the case, the Risk Committee requests proposals from the Board of Directors on how the conditions in the customer business can be structured in accordance with the business model and the risk structure and monitors their implementation. In addition, the Committee is responsible for reviewing whether the incentives set by the remuneration system adequately consider the Company’s risk, capital and liquidity structure, as well as the probability and timing of revenue. As part of broader corporate risk, cybersecurity also falls under the oversight of the Risk Committee. The Risk Committee also deals with the granting, extension and modification of credit lines for individual borrowers when the total limit for the associated borrower unit exceeds EUR 10,000,000.

Until April 30, 2024, the Risk Committee was composed of Dr Konstantin Mettenheimer as Chair, along with Norbert Freisleben and Moritz Grenke as members. Since April 30, Moritz Grenke has chaired the Committee, with Norbert Freisleben and Manfred Piontke as the other members. The Committee, as a whole, possesses extensive knowledge, skills, and experience in risk management and control procedures. The Chair is neither the Chair of the full Supervisory Board nor of any other committee.

Remuneration Control Committee

The Remuneration Control Committee consists of three members. The Committee’s main tasks pursuant to Section 10 (3) of the Supervisory Board Rules of Procedure are to monitor the appropriate design of the remuneration systems for the members of the Board of Directors and employees, including employees who have a significant influence on the Company’s overall risk profile and, above all, for the heads of the risk control and compliance functions. The Remuneration Control Committee also supports the Supervisory Board in monitoring the appropriate design of the remuneration systems for the Company’s employees.

The Remuneration Control Committee assesses the impact of the remuneration systems on risk, capital and liquidity management, prepares Supervisory Board resolutions on the remuneration of Board of Directors members, and pays particular attention to the impact of these resolutions on the Company’s risks and risk management.

The Committee takes into account the long-term interests of shareholders, investors, other stakeholders and the public. It also assists the Supervisory Board in monitoring the proper involvement of internal control and all other relevant areas in the design of the remuneration systems, target setting and achievement concerning the variable remuneration of the Board of Directors members. It advises the Supervisory Board on the composition of the remuneration policy and determines appropriate remuneration for the Board of Directors members that is geared towards sustainable corporate development.

Until April 30, 2024, the Remuneration Control Committee consisted of Chair Nils Kröber and members Norbert Freisleben and Dr Ljiljana Mitic. As of April 30, the Committee consists of Chair Nils Kröber and members Norbert Freisleben and Moritz Grenke. The Committee, as a whole, possesses sufficient expertise in risk management and risk control, particularly concerning remuneration systems. Chair Nils Kröber also has specialised knowledge and professional experience in these areas. Dr Ljiljana Mitic, Norbert Freisleben, and Moritz Grenke have expertise in risk management and risk control, particularly regarding mechanisms for aligning remuneration systems with the Company’s overall risk appetite, strategy and capital structure.

Digitalisation Committee

The Digitalisation Committee consists of three members. The Committee was formed by a resolution of the Supervisory Board on March 14, 2023, for the period starting on April 1, 2023 until the end of the 2026 Annual General Meeting to support the digitalisation programme initiated by the Board of Directors. In accordance with Section 11 (4), of the Supervisory Board’s Rules of Procedure, the main tasks of the Digitalisation Committee are to support the Supervisory Board in monitoring the implementation of the IT and digitalisation strategy, the accompanying monitoring of IT projects and process initiatives, the planned IT architecture and structure in terms of technical performance, stability and scalability, and the investment budgets. The Committee also supports the Supervisory Board in monitoring the project and performance control in the area of digitalisation at the IT, administrative, and staff cost level.

In the 2024 financial year, the Digitalisation Committee consisted of Chair Dr Ljiljana Mitic, Nils Kröber and Moritz Grenke until April 30. As of April 30, 2024, the Committee consisted of Chair Dr Ljiljana Mitic, Moritz Grenke and Manfred Piontke.

The Annual General Meeting passes resolutions for cases specified by law and in the Articles of Association. These include the election of shareholder representatives to the Supervisory Board, the election of the auditor, the discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board, amendments to the Articles of Association, decisions on the appropriation of profits, and capital measures. At the request of the Board of Directors, the Annual General Meeting may also decide on management issues.

Equal opportunity and diversity are integral components of the selection process for executives and employees of grenke AG.
The target percentage of women executives for the two management levels below the Board of Directors was set by the Board of Directors at a minimum of 30 percent for the 2024 financial year. This target was achieved at grenke AG in the reporting period.

The Board of Directors has also decided to maintain its target of a gender-specific ratio of 30 percent for each of the first two management levels below the Board of Directors for the 2025 financial year. The gender ratio for grenke AG’s workforce as a whole is largely balanced, with women accounting for around 50 percent. The Board of Directors regularly reports to the Supervisory Board on the development of family-friendly measures (such as financial support, childcare assistance, flexible working time models, part-time models and location-independent workplace models) and considers gender diversity in the appointment of leadership positions.
For the 2024 financial year, the Supervisory Board set a target of at least 25 percent for the proportion of female executives on the Board of Directors. This target represents a minimum threshold.

This target for the Board of Directors was achieved in 2024.

The following diversity aspects are considered in the Board of Director’s composition:
The decisive factor for the Supervisory Board when filling a Board of Directors position is always the Company’s interest, taking into account all circumstances of the individual case. In the view of the Supervisory Board, personal suitability and professional qualifications, in particular, are key criteria when selecting members for the Board of Directors. This includes not only an appropriate consideration of women but also diversity with regard to cultural origin and various educational and professional backgrounds.

The Supervisory Board pays particular attention to the following principles when considering which personalities would best complement the Board of Directors:
The composition of the Board of Directors shall be balanced in terms of age structure so that the body’s ability to act is guaranteed at all times.

The composition of the Board of Directors shall meet the requirements of the Second Management Position Act (FüPoG II).
With regard to their educational and professional backgrounds, the members of the Board of Directors must be able to fulfil the duties of proper management in accordance with the law, the Articles of Association, and the Rules of Procedure of grenke AG. In addition, they should have primarily the following backgrounds:


  • Longstanding management experience in an international context
  • Extensive experience in IT management (digitalisation)
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the requirements and interrelationships of the capital market
  • Sound knowledge of financial management and risk management
  • Thorough knowledge of accounting according to IFRS and HGB 
  • Broad knowledge of climate protection and sustainability


Based on these principles, the Supervisory Board fulfils the legal requirements by taking gender diversity into account in the selection of Board of Directors’ members and implements the related aspiration to increase the proportion of women in management positions.

The Supervisory Board also fulfils all obligations under the law, the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure with regard to the consideration of different professional and educational backgrounds in order to ensure that the tasks and duties incumbent on this body can be properly fulfilled. In doing so, this also ensures that all changes in the business environment, which are fundamentally in an international context, as well as all effects of cultural, demographic and social change affecting the Company in its day-to-day business, are analysed and evaluated from a wide variety of perspectives. This corresponds to our understanding of stability and sustainability as well as innovation and dynamics for the further successful development of the Company.

A close, ongoing exchange between the Supervisory Board and Board of Directors regarding all important issues affecting the Company’s fate and development ensures that the targets for the Board of Directors’ composition are met.

As part of this exchange, the Supervisory Board regularly reviews whether or not the competencies of the respective Board of Directors members meet the requirements of their areas of responsibility. It also regularly checks whether the number of Board of Directors members and their responsibilities correspond to the requirements associated with the growth and complexity of the Company. The Supervisory Board is responsible for deciding on the composition of the Board of Directors and the schedule of responsibilities, as well as for ensuring succession planning.

The Supervisory Board, together with the Board of Directors and with the support of the Nomination Committee, ensures long-term succession planning for the Board of Directors. Long-term succession planning takes into account the requirements of the German Stock Corporation Act, the German Banking Act, the Corporate Governance Code and the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, as well as the criteria of the diversity concept developed by the Supervisory Board for the composition of the Board of Directors. Taking into account the specific qualification requirements and the aforementioned criteria, the Nomination Committee develops a target profile and, on the basis of this, draws up a shortlist of available candidates in the event of a specific succession decision. Structured interviews are conducted with these candidates. Subsequently, a recommendation is submitted to the Supervisory Board for resolution. If necessary, the Supervisory Board and the Nomination Committee are supported by external consultants in the development of requirement profiles. The position of Chief Representative serves as an opportunity for the Company to introduce internal candidates to the role of the Board of Directors.

The Supervisory Board of grenke AG shall be composed in such a way as to ensure qualified advice to and supervision of the Board of Directors at all times. The following diversity aspects are taken into account in the composition of the Supervisory Board:

The composition of the Supervisory Board shall meet the requirements of the Second Management Position Act (FüPoG II).

In terms of their educational and professional backgrounds, the members of the Supervisory Board should be in a position to fulfil the legal obligations associated with this task and, at the same time, be able to devote the time necessary to carry out this activity. In addition to the requirement for a high quality of character in the sense of personal competence, the decisive factors, above all, are professional competence and business experience, as well as the Supervisory Board member’s corresponding ability to exercise objective judgement. In addition to this, the competence profile of the members of the Supervisory Board of grenke AG is also based on the following backgrounds:


  • Longstanding management experience in an international context
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the requirements and interrelationships of the capital market
  • Sound knowledge of financial management (financing and controlling)
  • Thorough knowledge of accounting according to IFRS and HGB
  • Extensive experience in IT management (digitalisation and transformation)
  • Experience in strategy and sales management
  • Broad knowledge of climate protection and sustainability


The members of the Supervisory Board as a whole must be familiar with the sector in which the Company operates.
The objectives pursued with the diversity concept for the composition of the Supervisory Board are as follows:

In order to fulfil its role as a supervisory and control body, the Supervisory Board should be able to provide an accurate assessment of the current development and future direction of the Company. Accordingly, the aim is to compose the Supervisory Board in such a way as to ensure qualified control and advice at all times in accordance with the German Stock Corporation Act and the German Corporate Governance Code. In the 2024 financial year, the Supervisory Board’s composition as a whole fully represented the knowledge and experience necessary. This made it possible for the Supervisory Board to deal with and evaluate the issues relevant to decision-making in a qualified manner. The Supervisory Board’s composition also placed it in a position to make its decisions for effective supervision and control from an objective point of view.

The competence profile and diversity concept for the Supervisory Board are generally implemented as part of the election proposals to the Annual General Meeting, while the diversity concept for the Board of Directors is implemented through the appointment of Board of Directors’ members by the Supervisory Board.  

For the 2024 financial year, the Supervisory Board set a target of at least 33 percent for the proportion of female members on the Supervisory Board. This target represents a minimum threshold. The target for the Supervisory Board was not met in 2024 but is expected to be achieved again in the future. The reason for the current non-fulfilment is a decision in favour of a candidate based on a highly specific requirement profile.

Curricula vitae of all Supervisory Board and Board of Directors members have been published by the Company on its website and provide information on the relevant individual knowledge, skills and experience of the members. The curricula vitae are updated annually.

The respective remuneration and the underlying remuneration system for the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board are described in the remuneration report, which can be downloaded.

The remuneration report for the last financial year and the auditor’s report in accordance with Section 162 AktG, the applicable remuneration system in accordance with Section 87a (1) and (2) sentence 1 AktG and the last remuneration resolution in accordance with Section 113 (3) AktG are publicly available on grenke AG’s website.

By law, persons who perform management duties at grenke AG and persons closely related to them are required to disclose any trading in grenke AG shares or related financial instruments if the value of the transaction reaches or exceeds the threshold of EUR 20,000 within one calendar year. In accordance with Article 19 (2) and (3) of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), grenke AG ensures the required notifications and disclosures are made and publishes them on the Company’s website.

As of December 31, 2024, the shareholdings directly attributable to the members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of grenke AG amounted to 104,503 shares. This corresponds to around 0.2 percent of the shares outstanding. The shareholdings were distributed among the members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board as follows:

Number of attributable shares as of December 31, 2024:


Attributed Shares

Dr Sebastian Hirsch (CEO)


Gilles Christ (CSO)


Dr Martin Paal


Isabel Rösler (CRO)


Jens Rönnberg WP/StB (Chair)


Moritz Grenke (Deputy Chair)1


Norbert Freisleben


Kils Kröber


Dr Ljiljana Mitic


Manfred Piontke




1 Including the share of the spouse, excluding shares held by Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG.

Capital market-relevant announcements made by grenke AG are published in the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger). In addition, the Company uses a variety of other channels to fully inform the financial market and the public about its business developments and relevant events. In accordance with Article 18 (MAR), grenke AG maintains insider lists. The persons on these lists have been informed of their legal obligations and sanctions in the event of possible violations. The methods used by grenke AG to inform the capital market are described in detail in the “Share and Investor Relations” section of this Annual Report.

Responsible corporate governance covers the areas of compliance, money laundering prevention, corporate governance, data protection, information security, environment and climate, and social contribution. Due to the high importance of these topics – both for customer trust and the trust of the capital market, which also have far-reaching relevance for the Company’s success, a separate section is dedicated to this subject in the Non-financial reportingin Chapter 4.

The purpose of risk management at grenke AG is to enable the Board of Directors and all employees involved to consciously manage risks and take advantage of opportunities. As a financial services provider, grenke AG is subject to the Minimum Requirements for Risk Management (MaRisk) defined by the Deutsche Bundesbank and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), as well as the regulatory requirements for IT (BAIT). The topic of risk management and the respective responsibilities are dealt with in detail in the management report.

In accordance with Sections 315 (5) and 298 (2) HGB, the management report of the grenke Group and the management report of grenke AG are combined in a single report. Any deviations are explained in detail in the management report of grenke AG.

The grenke Group’s consolidated financial statements for the financial year of January 1 – December 31, 2024 have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union and, for the Company, in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB). grenke AG also observed and applied the provisions of Section 315a HGB.

After the review by the Supervisory Board, the adopted annual financial statements and the approved consolidated financial statements are generally published within four months of the end of the financial year. For the 2024 financial year, the Annual General Meeting on April 30, 2024 elected BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Hamburg, as the auditor and Group auditor. This auditor will also perform the audit review of interim financial reports to the extent this is carried out. 

Further information on the subject matter and scope of the audit of the annual financial statements in accordance with Section 317 HGB and on the duties of the Audit Committee can be found in this Annual Report in the Report of the Supervisory Board.


Declaration of Conformity January 2024

The Declaration of Conformity pursuant to Section 161 AktG and dated January 2024 is presented here.

Dr Martin Paal was appointed to the Board of Directors on March 5, 2024, and assumed the role of CFO from Dr Sebastian Hirsch as of July 1, 2024.

In a letter dated September 5, 2024, Isabel Rösler announced her resignation from her position as Chief Risk Officer (CRO) effective December 31, 2024. The responsibilities of the CRO will be distributed among the remaining members of the Board of Directors until a new member is appointed.

With the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of grenke AG on April 30, 2024, the terms of office of Supervisory Board members Dr Ljiljana Mitic and Dr Konstantin Mettenheimer ended. Dr Mettenheimer left the Supervisory Board. Dr Mitic was proposed by the Board for re-election at the Annual General Meeting and was re-elected for the period up to the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting that will resolve the discharge of the Supervisory Board members for the 2028 financial year.

In addition, Manfred Piontke was elected to the Supervisory Board to serve until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting that will decide on the discharge of the Supervisory Board members for the 2026 financial year.

At the first official meeting of the Supervisory Board on April 30, 2024, Jens Rönnberg was elected as Chair of the Supervisory Board of grenke AG, and Moritz Grenke was elected Deputy Chair.


Remuneration report

The respective remuneration and the underlying remuneration system for the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board are described in the remuneration report.


Corporate Governance Statement

Download our Corporate Governance Statement here.



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